I don't normally do this but as I haven't been out for a two weeks and with the laundry and bathroom to be painted and the back lawn 25 cm high and growing rapidly, I am unlikely to be out in the next 2 weeks so here's something to entertain you...
Just replace binoculars with camera and NAm field guides with Oz ones and that's me...
Oh, and a few more years, kgs and grey hairs ;-)
Wild Bird Wednesday 652 - Laughing Gull
The Laughing Gull (*Leucophaeus atricilla*) is a medium-sized gull of North
and South America. These birds were photographed in Cuba. Unsurprisingly,
tts ...
23 hours ago
I feel like someone's been stalking me....I have to e-mail this to other like -minded persons. Thank you for this, I think.