
Sunday 2 March 2014

Begola Wetlands

Last stop on my quicky tour of the Bellarine Peninsula (see previous post for other sites visited) was at Begola Wetlands in Ocean Grove. I counted 28 species of birds in a one hour walk around the wetlands. This Spotted Turtle-Dove may be introduced but made a pretty subject in the late afternoon light.

Spotted Turtle-Dove, Begola Wetlands, Ocean Grove

I've seen a few Common Greenshank at this site before but this is the first time I've managed to photograph one (albeit badly).

Common Greenshank, Begola Wetlands, Ocean Grove

For once I remembered to switch over to video to capture this bird feeding along with a Red-kneed Dotterel.

The highlight of the day was a juvenile Royal Spoonbill chasing an adult and begging for food.

Royal Spoonbill, Begola Wetlands, Ocean Grove

And on video...

They then took to the air and flew over me

Royal Spoonbill, Begola Wetlands, Ocean Grove

before landing back on the lake bed.

Royal Spoonbill, Begola Wetlands, Ocean Grove


  1. I've seen that performance by a young Royal Spoonbill at WTP as well. Your video was better than mine though!

    1. Thanks 'Happy'. Beginner's luck with the video. Just starting to use this function on my camera (when I remember) and still a long way to go with learning post-processing.

  2. Interesting that there is a young begging Royal Spoonbill at Jerringot wetlands in Belmont at the moment as well. Delightful to watch.


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