
Saturday 17 August 2013

A day at Phillip Island - Part 2 The Nobbies and Swan Lake

After Fisher's Wetland we travelled to the other end of the island to the The Nobbies.

The spectacular basalt coastline here is constantly being assaulted by the Bass Strait surf and is worthy of a visit just for the scenery.

However, it also offers some great birding opportunities. Shy Albatross and Black-browed Albatross were seen cruising over the waves. The strong NW wind meant they were too far offshore for good photography but it's always great to see these majestic birds.

Shy Albatross, off The Nobbies, Phillip Island
Black-browed Albatross, off The Nobbies, Phillip Island

Swan Lake (just east of the Penguin Parade) has a track and boardwalk through coastal bush to the back of the dunes of behind Summerland Beach. There are two bird hides here offering great views of the lake.

Most of the avian activity this afternoon was on the other side of the lake but there were a few swans swimming around in classic swan pose

Black Swan, Swan Lake, Phillip Island

and I was very happy to capture this Eurasian Coot among the reflections on the water.

Eurasian Coot, Swan Lake, Phillip Island

The hides also provide good viewing of two small islands frequented by nesting and roosting birds. This Black Swan was sitting on a nest on the island just in front of one of the hides.

Black Swan, Swan Lake, Phillip Island

The boardwalk provides good viewing of the birds of prey commonly flying overhead and along the dunes. There's nearly always one or two Whistling Kite.

Whistling Kite, Swan Lake, Phillip Island

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