
Friday 4 January 2013

Hooded Plovers nesting at Ocean Grove

There's a new (unbanded) pair of Hooded Plovers nesting at Ocean Grove this summer. My wife and I have been watching them since before Christmas and, unfortunately, they lost their first clutch after they'd hatched.

After a stinking hot (42C) day today we hit the beach for an evening swim and to check out the Hoodies. We were pleasantly surprised to be greeted with an updated sign at the beginning of the track to the beach noting that a new clutch of two eggs had been laid yesterday.

When we got down to the beach the two birds were easily found:

one sitting on the nest

Hooded Plover, Ocean Grove

the other hanging out with a flock of gulls

Hooded Plover and Silver Gulls, Ocean Grove

spending most of its time feeding in the wet sand

Hooded Plover and Silver Gull, Ocean Grove

It was soon joined by the second bird that had briefly abandoned the nest for a few minutes of feeding at the water's edge

Hooded Plover, Ocean Grove

but it soon retreated back into the dunes

Hooded Plover, Ocean Grove

to take its turn on the nest

Hooded Plover, Ocean Grove

leaving its mate to hang out at the water's edge...

Hooded Plover, Ocean Grove

with the gulls (who had apparently lost interest),

Hooded Plover and Silver Gull, Ocean Grove


Hooded Plover, Ocean Grove

occasionally running away from encroaching humans

Hooded Plover, Ocean Grove

and posing for portraits :-)

Hooded Plover, Ocean Grove

and as I left them, the nest remained tended

Hooded Plover, Ocean Grove

so, here's hoping for a successful clutch this time.

For more information on Hooded Plovers, go to

1 comment:

  1. Sadly, it seems the eggs have gone :-(
    Both adults still around though. I hope there's enough time left for a third-time lucky and that they find a more suitable nesting location.


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