
Monday 19 November 2012

Lunch on the Barwon River

It was too good a day to spend the whole day indoors so I headed for the Barwon River for lunch. Fortunately, I was not alone with an egret and lapwing feeding on the shore just near my usual lunch spot...

Eastern Great Egret, Barwon River, Ocean Grove
Masked Lapwing, Barwon River, Ocean Grove

but the highlight was the Eastern Curlew feeding on the sandbar in the middle of the river.

Eastern Curlew, Barwon River, Ocean Grove


  1. Estupendas capturas de la Garceta grande.Saludos

  2. What, lunch outdoors? Why not in an air conditioned restaurant or crowded pub bar? Nice Great Egret tableau Ian.

    1. Thanks Gouldiae
      Yes, one of the advantages of working from home 2-3 days a week is the opportunity to get out into the fresh air. I usually try and make sure I have the camera in the car so I can grab this sort of opportunity. On this day, the egret was particularly cooperative, so much so that for some of the time 600mm was too much lens, making me backtrack to keep it sensibly in frame.
      Cheers, Ian


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