
Sunday 26 August 2012

More at the WTP

Following the Pratincole encounter and the Glossy Ibis, I headed further along the beach track to the Lake Borrie outlet where I found a pair of Cape Barren Geese at the location at which I photographed (what I presume is) the same pair 18 months ago. The larger bird posed nicely for a portrait shot

before charging its mate...

but a bit of butt sniffing...

and it all ended happily

Cape Barren Goose, Western Treatment Plant

under the watchful eye of this Nankeen Kestrel.

Nankeen Kestrel, Lake Borrie Outlet, Western Treatment Plant

It was high tide by the time I got to the bird hide so there was not a lot of activity there but I did manage to get a good view of some pelicans flying over the bay against dark clouds but lit by a bit of sunlight that broke through the overcast behind me.

Australian Pelican, Western Treatment Plant

One last stop at Paradise Ponds on the way out yielded a close-up of a lone Yellow-billed Spoonbill

Yellow-billed Spoonbill, Western Treatment Plant

and a large mixed flock of Red-necked Avocets and Banded Stilts, mostly feeding in the shallow water

Red-necked Avocet, Western Treatment Plant
Banded Stilt, Western Treatment Plant

but some roosting on the mudflats on the northern side of the pond.

Red-necked Avocet + Banded Stilt, Western Treatment Plant


  1. wonderful sightings Ian, I am yet to see the pratincole but I'll go there this week if the weather is Ok, hopefully I'll see the Ibis as well.

    1. Hi Wampy,
      The Pratincole allegedly hangs out in Western Lagoon 2. If you go in Gate 2, turn immediately right. I saw it about 50 metres before the turnaround at the end of the track. The Glossy Ibis was in the first part of the Beach Road Pond - predictably half way between the two tracks. Best viewing was from the upper track (rather than the track on the beach side) but it may be fairly itinerant and end up anywhere in the plant. I've seen them before on the Conservation ponds but didn't go that far yesterday...needed to get home to mow the grass :-(
      Have fun, Ian


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