
Sunday 4 March 2012

Black Rocks Shorebirds

I spent the early morning at Black Rocks end of 13th Beach searching for shorebirds, in particular Hooded Plovers and Pacific Golden Plovers. The usual suspects were on the beach directly in front of the access track

Double-banded Plover, 13th Beach
Red-necked Stint, 13th Beach
Red-capped Plover, 13th Beach

along with some others commonly found on the beach but not usually classified as 'shorebirds'

White-fronted Chat, 13th Beach
Welcome Swallow, 13th Beach

I dipped on the Hooded Plovers but did find the Pacific Golden Plovers among the rocks on the point.

Pacific Golden Plover, 13th Beach

I found a location as close as I dared to go and sat waiting for the tide to come in and (I hoped) bring the birds closer to me. This technique works for a lot of shorebirds but PGPs seem to be easily spooked. It only took one wave to break over the rocks and startling two birds for the whole flock to take off and fly away to the west. I did manage to count them -- 46 -- the most I have seen at this location.

On the walk back to the road, a Singing Honeyeater was doing it's thing and allowed me to get very close.

Singing Honeyeater, 13th Beach

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