
Birds of the Bellarine Peninsula

My bird list for the Bellarine Peninsula = 172 species

Latest additions:
  • Tree Martin single bird flying around tree tops in my backyard in Ocean Grove (13 Nov 2013)
  • Pink-eared Duck large flock (300-400) at Lake Lorne, Drysdale (19 June 2013)
  • Fork-tailed Swift small flock seen flying over the beach at Ocean Grove (11 March 2013)
  • Nankeen Night-Heron seen at Begola Wetlands, Ocean Grove (18 February 2013)
  • Black Falcon seen early morning flying over Barwon Heads Road, Connewarre (23 January 2013) 
  • Helmeted Guineafowl seen in a Leopold farm paddock (20 January 2013) - suspect domestic escapees or 'free range'
  • Marsh Sandpiper seen at Hospital Swamp (19 January 2013)
  • Australian Spotted Crake seen at Lignum Swamp near Hospital Swamp (15 November 2012)
  • Black-tailed Native-hen seen at Lignum Swamp near Hospital Swamp (15 November 2012)
  • Banded Stilt 400+ birds seen at Lake Victoria, Pt Lonsdale (7 March 2012)
  • Great Crested Grebe seen at Lake Victoria, Pt Lonsdale (7 March 2012)
  • Australasian Shoveler seen at Lake Lorne, Drysdale (24 October 2011)
  • Eastern Barn Owl seen flying into Coastal Ti-tree scrub on Ocean Grove Spit near Barwon Heads Bridge just on sunset (12 October 2011)
  • White-necked Heron seen flying over Queenscliff-Portarlington Road near Mannerim (26 September 2011) and photographed one individual on Lake Connewarre Game Reserve (12 October 2011)
  • Northern Mallard seen on farm dam in Knights Rd, Mannerim (4 September 2011)
  • Buff-banded Rail spotted on the edge of reeds at Begola Wetlands in Ocean Grove (15 August 2011).

    Geography - for the purposes of this exercise (or until someone informs me of an official designation), I am defining the Bellarine Peninsula as all the land east of the line roughly between Pt Henry (including the western shore of Pt Henry along Stingaree Bay and Corio Bay) and Pt Impossible at the mouth of Thompson Creek, west of Breamlea. This includes Moolap, Lake Connewarre, Reedy Lake and Connewarre but does not include the Geelong suburbs of Newcombe and St Albans Park (See Map on Wikipedia).

    Distribution - I indicate where I have seen these birds on the Bellarine Peninsula but this does not necessarily reflect the 'official' distribution or habitat preferences. I have tried to indicate where species are only seasonal visitors to the area. 

    Abundance - is loosely classified as:
    • Very Common - highly likely to be seen every day
    • Common - likely to be seen if you spend a moderate amount of time looking in appropriate habitat
    • Locally Common - likely to be seen if you spend a moderate amount of time looking in appropriate habitat but restricted to specific localities
    • Seasonally common - migratory, likely to be seen during relevant season
    • Uncommon - requires a bit more time and effort to find and not likely to be seen every day 
    • Rare - difficult to find and/or rare visitors to the area
    Nomenclature - common and scientific names of birds and the order in which they are listed here follows Christidis and Bowles (2008).

    Listing - I have included only birds that I have personally seen on the Bellarine Peninsula. Seabirds in flight or on the water must have been seen from land on the Bellarine Peninsula.

    Photographs - where included (I'll progressively add photographs when I find the time), they have been taken on the Bellarine Peninsula.

      Indian Peafowl
      Pavo cristatus
      1 adult male seen at St Leonards in the 1990s - most likely a domestic escapee - not sure if any local farmers keep peafowl.

      Helmeted Guineafowl
      Numida meleagris 
      Seen several times near Leopold. Likely domestic free range or escapee.

      Magpie Goose
      Anseranus semipalmata
      Rare. 3 individuals seen on farm dam along Anderson Road east of Drysdale July 2009.

      Musk Duck
      Biziura lobata
      Uncommon. Occasionally seen at McLeods Waterholes in Drysdale.

      Freckled Duck
      Strictonetta naevosa
      Previously uncommon but recently (since about 2016) seen frequently at Lake Lorne and McLeods Waterholes in Drysdale and Begola Wetlands in Ocean Grove.

      Freckled Duck, Lake Lorne, Drysdale

      Cape Barren Goose
      Cereopsis novaehollandiae
      Uncommon. Occasionally seen on farm dams around the Peninsula.

      Black Swan
      Cygnus atratus
      Common on permanent lakes in many places, e.g., McLeods Waterholes, Lake Lorne, Lonsdale Lakes, Point Lonsdale Golf Course, Begola Wetlands, Lake Connewarre and the Barwon River estuary as well as in Swan Bay and Corio Bay.

      Black Swan, McLeods Waterholes, Drysdale

      Australian Wood Duck
      Chenonetta jubata
      Common on farm dams around the Peninsula.

      Australian Wood Duck, Lake Lorne, Drysdale

      Pink-eared Duck
      Malachorhynchus membranaceus
      Uncommon. Occasionally seen on Lake Lorne in Drysdale

      Pink-eared Duck, Lake Lorne, Drysdale

      Grey Teal
      Anas gracilis
      Common. Frequently seen at Lake Lorne and McLeods Waterholes in Drysdale and occasionally on farm dams.

      Grey Teal, Lake Lorne, Drysdale

      Chestnut Teal
      Anas castanea
      Very Common. Frequently seen at Lake Lorne and McLeods Waterholes in Drysdale, Begola Wetlands in Ocean Grove, St Leonards Lake Reserve and farm dams.

      Chestnut Teal (female on left, male on right), Begola Wetlands, Ocean Grove

      Northern Mallard
      Anas platyrhynchos
      Rare, seen once on farm dam in Mannerim.

      Pacific Black Duck
      Anas superciliosa
      Very common on farm dams and lakes in various places around the Peninsula. Also common on Barwon River estuary.

      Pacific Black Duck, Lake Lorne, Drysdale

      Aythya australis
      Uncommon. Occasionally seen at Lake Lorne and McLeods Waterholes in Drysdale and large farm dams.

      Hardhead, Lake Lorne, Drysdale

      Blue-billed Duck
      Oxyura australis
      Uncommon. Occasionally seen at Lake Lorne and McLeods Waterholes in Drysdale.

      Blue-billed Duck (male), Lake Lorne, Drysdale

      Australasian Shoveler
      Anas rhynchotis
      Rare. Seen occasionally at Lake Lorne, Drysdale 
      Australasian Shoveler, Lake Lorne, Drysdale

      Australasian Grebe
      Tachybaptus novaehollandiae
      Common. Resident at McLeods Waterholes and Lake Lorne in Drysdale, occasionally seen at other freshwater lakes around the Peninsula.

      Hoary-headed Grebe
      Tachybaptus ruficollis
      Commonly seen at McLeods Waterholes in Drysdale, Emily's Pond and Lake Victoria in Pt Lonsdale and occasionally seen at Begola Wetlands in Ocean Grove.

      Hoary-headed Grebe, Lake Lorne, Drysdale

      Great Crested Grebe
      Podiceps cristatus
      Rare. Seen occasionally at Lake Victoria, Pt Lonsdale.

      Rock Dove
      Columba livia
      Also known as Feral Pigeon. Commonly seen in many places around the Peninsula, including several domestic flocks.

      Spotted Dove
      Streptopelia chinesis
      Common across many residential areas and farmland, particularly where there is significant roadside vegetation, around the Peninsula.

      Spotted Dove, Begola Wetlands, Ocean Grove

      Common Bronzewing
      Phaps chalcoptera
      Uncommon. Occasionally seen at Ocean Grove Nature Reserve.

      Crested Pigeon
      Ocyphaps lophotes
      Common. Frequently seen along roadsides bordering farmland around the Peninsula.

      Crested Pigeon, Ocean Grove

      Tawny Frogmouth
      Podargus strigoides
      Uncommon. Seen occasionally at Ocean Grove Bushland Reserve. Probably more common but difficult to find due to cryptic camouflage and secretive nature.

      Fork-tailed Swift
      Apus pacificus
      Uncommon seasonal migrant (summer).

      Wandering Albatross
      Diomedea exulans
      Uncommon. Occasionally seen in winter off Pt Lonsdale and The Bluff in Barwon Heads. One dead bird on Ocean Grove beach July 2009.

      Black-browed Albatross
      Thalassarche melanophris
      Seasonally common (winter-spring) off Pt Lonsdale, Queenscliff and The Bluff at Barwon Heads.

      Black-browed Albatross, Queenscliff

      Shy Albatross
      Thalassarche cauta
      Seasonally common (winter-spring) off Pt Lonsdale, Queenscliff and The Bluff at Barwon Heads.

      Shy Albatross, Queenscliff

      Southern Giant Petrel
      Macronectes giganteus
      Uncommon. Occasionally seen off Pt Lonsdale.

      Fairy Prion
      Pachyptila turtur
      Uncommon. Occasionally seen off Pt Lonsdale. One dead bird on Pt Lonsdale beach in 2008.

      Short-tailed Shearwater
      Ardenna tenuirostris
      Common late spring to early autumn seen off Pt Lonsdale, Ocean Grove and The Bluff at Barwon Heads. Commonly found dead on beach at Pt Lonsdale and Ocean Grove after storms in spring.

      Fluttering Shearwater
      Puffinis gavia
      Seasonally common. Occasionally seen in large flocks off Queenscliff, St Leonards and Indented Head.

      Little Penguin
      Eudyptula minor
      Uncommon. Occasionally seen at Queenscliff, Pt Lonsdale and Ocean Grove. Commonly found dead on Bass Strait beaches after severe storms.

      Australasian Gannet
      Morus serrator
      Commonly seen flying along coast between Pt Lonsdale and Portarlington and offshore along Bass Strait coast.

      Australasian Gannet, Indented Head

      Australasian Darter
      Anhinga novaehollandiae
      Uncommon. Occasionally seen on farm dams and lakes around the Peninsula.

      Little Pied Cormoroant
      Microcarbo melanoleucos
      Common in Swan Bay and Queenscliff, often congregating in large numbers at Swan Bay Jetty

      Little Pied Cormorant, Swan Bay Jetty

      Great Cormorant
      Phalacrocorax carbo
      Common. Frequently seen on rocky outcrops on beaches and fishing in shallows at Pt Lonsdale and Ocean Grove.

      Great Cormorant, Pt Impossible

      Little Black Cormorant
      Phalacrocorax sulcirostris
      Common in Swan Bay and Corio Bay.

      Little Black Cormorant, Queenscliff Harbour

      Pied Cormorant
      Phalacrocorax varius
      Commonly seen along coast, particularly on jetties and rock outcrops at Portarlington, Pt Lonsdale, Queenscliff and Swan Bay Jetty.

      Pied Cormorant, Ripview Lookout, Queenscliff

      Black-faced Cormorant
      Phalacrocorax fuscescens
      Uncommon. Occasionally seen at Indented Head, St Leonards, Pt Lonsdale and Queenscliff.

      Black-faced Cormorant, Ripview Lookout, Queenscliff

      Australian Pelican
      Pelicanus conspicullatus
      Common all around the Peninsula, particularly Port Phillip and Corio Bays, and frequently found on freshwater lakes and even farm dams.

      Australian Pelican, Pt Richards

      White-necked Heron
      Ardea pacifica
      Rarely seen on the Bellarine Peninsula. Has become a more common spring visitor since 2011.

      White-necked Heron, Lake Connewarre Game Reserve

      Eastern Great Egret
      Ardea modesta
      Common. Seen at Lake Lorne in Drysdale, Swan Bay at Queenscliff, Breamlea Flora and Fauna Reserve and occasionally on farm dams around the peninsula.

      Eastern Great Egret, Breamlea Flora and Fauna Reserve

      Cattle Egret
      Ardea ibis
      Uncommon. Occasionally seen in farmland, often (unsurprisingly) associated with livestock.

      Cattle Egret, Lake Road, Connewarre

      White-faced Heron
      Ardea novaehollandiae
      Common all around the Peninsula coast and frequently found on freshwater lakes and farm dams.

      White-faced Heron, Barwon Heads

      Little Egret
      Egretta garzetta
      Uncommon but can often be seen on mudflats at low tide in Swan Bay.

      Little Egret, Swan Bay Jetty

      Nankeen Night-Heron
      Nycticorax caledonicus
      Uncommon. Occasionally seen at Blue Lake and Begola Wetlands in Ocean Grove and on Swan Bay mudflats in Queenscliff.

      Nankeen Night-Heron, Begola Wetlands, Ocean Grove

      Australian White Ibis
      Threskiornis molucca
      Common on mudflats of Swan Bay and Corio Bay as well as on farmland and sporting ovals across the Peninsula.

      Straw-necked Ibis
      Threskiornis spinicollis
      Common on farmland.

      Royal Spoonbill
      Platalea regia
      Common on mudflats of Swan Bay and Corio Bay and several freshwater lakes including Lake Lorne and McLeods Waterholes in Drysdale. Often seen on Barwon River estuary in Ocean Grove/Barwon Heads. Occassionally seen on farm dams.

      Royal Spoonbill, Barwon River Estuary, Ocean Grove

      Yellow-billed Spoonbill
      Platalea flavipes
      Uncommon but occasionally seen on farm dams and on mudflats of Swan Bay.

      Black-shouldered Kite
      Elanus axillaris
      Commonly seen hunting over farmland and on roadsides.

      Black-shouldered Kite, Edwards Point Wildlife Reserve

      White-bellied Sea-eagle
      Haliaeetus leucogaster
      Uncommon but occasionally seen at Pt Lonsdale and Pt Henry.

      Whistling Kite
      Haliastur sphenurus
      Commonly seen at Edwards Point Wildlife Reserve over farmland near St Leonards and Drysdale.

      Whistling Kite, Lake Lorne Reserve, Drysdale

      Black Kite
      Milvas migrans
      Previously uncommon - occasionally seen flying over farmland near Portarlington and Clifton Springs but since 2015 seems to becoming more common.

      Brown Goshawk
      Accipiter fasciatus
      Locally common. Most frequently seen at Edwards Pt Wildlife Reserve and over farmland near St Leonards.

      Collared Sparrowhawk
      Accipiter cirrocephalus
      Uncommon. Seen occasionally over farmland.

      Grey Goshawk
      Accipiter novaehollandiae
      Rare. Pair (white morph) seen flying over Wallington, November 2010.

      Spotted Harrier
      Circus assimilis
      Uncommon. Seen occasionally over farmland and swampy areas.

      Swamp Harrier
      Circus approximans
      Common over farmland and swampy areas across the Peninsula.

      Wedge-tailed Eagle
      Aquila audax
      Uncommon. Occasionally seen over Wallington and Curlewis.

      Little Eagle
      Hieraaetus morphinoides
      Uncommon. Occasionally seen at Edwards Point Wildlife Reserve and over farmland near St Leonards.

      Nankeen Kestrel
      Falco cenchroides
      Common. Often seen hunting over farmland across the Peninsula.

      Nankeen Kestrel, Curlewis

      Brown Falcon
      Falco berigona
      Common. Often seen hunting over farmland across the Peninsula.

      Brown Falcon, Mannerim

      Black Falcon
      Falco subniger
      Rare. Seen once flying over farmland in Connewarre

      Australian Hobby
      Falco longipennis
      Uncommon. Seen occasionally at The Bluff, Barwon Heads and in Ocean Grove

      Peregrine Falcon
      Falco peregrinus
      Uncommon. Occasionally seen in Ocean Grove.

      Grus rubicunda
      Uncommon. Occasionally seen at Reedy Lake and surrounding farmland after water inundation. Breeding pair seen on Lake Connewarre, Barwon Heads 2011-12.

      Brolga, Lake Connewarre

      Purple Swamphen
      Porphyrio porphyrio
      Commonly found among riparian vegetation on most sheltered freshwater lakes.

      Purple Swamphen, St Leonards Lake Reserve

      Buff-banded Rail
      Gallirallus philippensis
      Uncommon and secretive. Seen occasionally at Begola Wetlands in Ocean Grove but likley to be at other similar wetlands.

      Australian Spotted Crake
      Porzana fluminia
      Occasionally seen in swamps around Lake Connewarre and Begola Wetlands in Ocean Grove.

      Australian Spotted Crake, Begola Wetlands, Ocean Grove

      Black-tailed Native-hen
      Tribonix ventralis
      Occasionally seen spring-summer in swamps around Lake Connewarre.

      Dusky Moorhen
      Gallinula tenebrosa
      Common in most freshwater lakes and rivers.

      Eurasian Coot
      Fulica atra
      Common in most freshwater lakes and rivers.

      Eurasian Coot, Lake Lorne Reserve, Drysdale

      Australian Pied Oystercatcher
      Haematopus longirostris
      Common on mudflats on Stingaree Bay and Corio Bay at Pt Henry and many beaches along Port Phillip Bay shore at Portarlington, Indented Head and St Leonards.

      Australian Pied Oystercatcher, Indented Head

      Sooty Oystercatcher
      Haematopus fuliginosus
      Common. Occasionally seen on mudflats on Stingaree Bay at Pt Henry and rock platforms at Pt Lonsdale and the Bluff at Barwon Heads.

      Black-winged Stilt
      Himantopus himantopus
      Uncommon. Occasionally seen on Lonsdale Lakes, Barwon River estuary in Barwon Heads/Ocean Grove and rarely on farm dams across the Peninsula.

      Black-winged Stilt, Lake Victoria, Pt Lonsdale

      Banded Stilt
      Cladorhynchus leucocephalus
      Uncommon but occasionally seen in large numbers on salt lakes, e.g., Lake Connewarre and Lake Victoria as water is receding.

      Banded Stilt, Lake Victoria, Pt Lonsdale

      Pacific Golden Plover
      Pluvialis fulva
      Uncommmon. Flock of 30+ seen occassionally at Black Rocks (western end of 13th Beach) most summers.

      Pacific Golden Plover, Black Rocks

      Red-capped Plover
      Charadrius ruficapillus
      Locally common. Commonly seen at Lake Victoria in Pt Lonsdale and on 13th Beach near Black Rocks.

      Red-capped Plover, 13th Beach

      Double-banded Plover
      Charadrius bicinctus
      Locally/Seasonally Common. Seen late summer to late winter on beaches along Bass Strait, particularly from Barwon Heads to Breamlea.

      Double-banded Plover, 13th Beach

      Black-fronted Dotterel
      Elseyornis melanops
      Uncommon. Occasionally seen at Lake Connewarre, Hospital Swamp, Lake Lorne in Drysdale and Begola Wetlands in Ocean Grove when water levels are low.

      Black-fronted Dotterel, Begola Wetlands, Ocean Grove

      Hooded Plover
      Thinornis rubicollis
      Locally Common. Threatened species in Victoria but several pairs breeding on beaches along Bass Strait.

      Hooded Plover, Pt Impossible

      Red-kneed Dotterel
      Erythrogonys cinctus
      Uncommon. Occasionally seen at Reedy Lake and Lake Connewarre

      Red-kneed Dotterel, Hospital Swamp, Connewarre

      Masked Lapwing
      Vanellus miles
      Common in wide range of habitats from residential areas to farmland and beaches across the Peninsula.

      Masked Lapwing, Indented Head

      Latham's Snipe
      Gallinago hardwickii
      Uncommon summer visitor to several freshwater wetlands including Begola Wetlands in Ocean Grove.

      Latham's Snipe, Begola Wetlands, Ocean Grove

      Bar-tailed Godwit
      Limosa lapponica
      Uncommon but occasionally seen in Swan Bay at Queenscliff and mouth of Barwon River.

      Bar-tailed Godwit, mouth of the Barwon River, Ocean Grove

      Numenius phaeopus
      Uncommon. Occasionally seen on Thompson Creek at Breamlea and Swan Bay at Queenscliff.

      Eastern Curlew
      Numenius madagascariensis
      Rare. Occasionally seen on mudflats in Barwon River estuary (Barwon Heads/Ocean Grove) and at Swan Bay (Queenscliff).

      Eastern Curlew, Barwon River, Ocean Grove

      Common Greenshank
      Tringa nebularia
      Uncommon summer migrant, occasionally seen at Thompson Creek at Breamlea, Begola Wetlands in Ocean Grove and Lonsdale Lakes.

      Marsh Sandpiper
      Tringa stagnatilis
      Uncommon summer migrant to swamps around Lake Connewarre.

      Ruddy Turnstone
      Arenia interpres
      Common summer migrant that can be seen on pebbly beaches along Port Phillip Bay. Most commonly seen at Edwards Point, Portarlington, St Leonards and Black Rocks.

      Ruddy Turnstone, Portarlington

      Red-necked Stint
      Calidris ruficollis
      Common summer migrant most frequently found at Lake Victoria and on beaches along Bass Strait, particularly from Barwon Heads to Breamlea.

      Red-necked Stint, Pt Impossible

      Sharp-tailed Sandpiper
      Calidris acuminata
      Uncommon summer migrant but occasionally seen in saltmarsh and mudflats near Swan Bay Jetty, Swan Bay in Queenscliff, Edwards Point Wildlife Reserve and swamps around Lake Connewarre.

      Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, Swan Bay Jetty

      Curlew Sandpiper
      Calidris ferruginea
      Uncommon but occasionally seen at Lake Victoria in Pt Lonsdale associated with Red-necked Stints.

      Curlew Sandpiper, Lake Victoria, Pt Lonsdale

      Little Tern
      Sternula albifrons
      Rare. Occasionally seen at Swan Bay in Queenscliff.

      Fairy Tern
      Sternula nereis
      Rare. Occasionally seen at Swan Bay in Queenscliff and Lake Connewarre.

      Caspian Tern
      Hydroprogne caspia
      Uncommon but can be seen anywhere along coast.

      Caspian Tern, Swan Bay Jetty

      Whiskered Tern
      Chlidonias hybrida
      Seasonally common (spring and summer) at Lake Connewarre and Reedy Lake, occasionally in very large numbers (>1000).

      Whiskered Tern, Breamlea Flora and Fauna Reserve

      Crested Tern
      Thalasseus bergii
      Common. Can be seen anywhere along coast.

      Crested Tern, Portarlington

      Pacific Gull
      Larus pacificus
      Common. Can be seen anywhere along coast.

      Pacific Gull, Indented Head

      Kelp Gull
      Larus dominicanus
      Rare. Occasionally seen along Bass Strait coast.

      Silver Gull
      Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae
      Very common. Can be seen anywhere along the coast and often inland.

      Silver Gull, Ripview Lookout, Queenscliff

      Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo
      Calyptorhynchus funereus
      Common. Small flocks often seen associated with mature pine and cypress trees.

      Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo, Ocean Grove

      Eolophus roseicapillus
      Very common. Small to large flocks can often be seen feeding in grasslands, farmland and sporting fields.

      Galah, Wallington

      Long-billed Corella
      Cacatua tenuirostris
      Uncommon. Occasionally seen in eucalypt woodlands and roadside corridors surrounding farmland.

      Little Corella
      Cacatua sanguinea
      Uncommon. Occasionally seen at St Leonards. Flock of 200-300 seen at St Leonards Lake Reserve in January 2011.

      Little Corella, St Leonards Lake Reserve

      Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
      Cacatua galerita
      Common. Can be seen almost anywhere across the Peninsula.

      Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, Ocean Grove

      Rainbow Lorikeet
      Trichoglossus haematodus
      Common. Can be seen almost anywhere on the Peninsula with mature wooded areas, particularly when eucalyptus are flowering.

      Rainbow Lorikeet, Lake Lorne Reserve, Drysdale

      Scaly-breasted Lorikeet
      Trichoglossus chlorolepidotus
      Uncommon. Seen once at St Leonards. Hybrid Scaly-breasted and Rainbow Lorikeets seen once in Ocean Grove.

      Musk Lorikeet
      Glossopsitta concinna
      Uncommon. Seen occasionally in roadside vegetation corridor along Anderson Road adjacent to farmland near Edwards Point Wildlife Reserve and in Ocean Grove feeding in Yellow Gums.

      Musk Lorikeet, Ocean Grove

      Crimson Rosella
      Platycercus elegans
      Uncommon. Occasionally seen in residential gardens in Ocean Grove.

      Eastern Rosella
      Platycercus adscitus
      Common in wooded farmland and residential gardens across the Peninsula.

      Swift Parrot
      Lathamus discolor
      Uncommon migrant. Small flocks occasionally seen in Ocean Grove feeding in Yellow Gums.

      Red-rumped Parrot
      Psephotus haematonotus
      Commonly seen feeding on grasslands and farmland across the Peninsula.

      Blue-winged Parrot
      Neophema chrysostoma
      Uncommon but occasionally seen in winter at Breamlea Flora and Fauna Reserve along Blackgate Road.

      Horsefield's Bronze-Cuckoo
      Chalcites basalis
      Uncommon. Occasionally seen in range of habitats from saltmarshes to vegetation corridors.

      Shining Bronze-Cuckoo
      Chalcites lucidus
      Uncommon. Seen in coastal woodland along Barwon River in Barwon Heads and in Ocean Grove Nature Reserve.

      Shining Bronze-cuckoo, Barwon Heads

      Fan-tailed Cuckoo
      Cacomantis flabelliformis
      Uncommon. Seen in open coastal woodland at Edwards Point Wildlife Reserve.

      Eastern Barn Owl
      Tyto javanica
      Uncommon. Probably not as rare as sightings suggest due to nocturnal behaviour.

      Laughing Kookaburra
      Dacelo novaegunieae
      Common on roadsides and wooded areas across the Peninsula.

      Superb Fairy-wren
      Malurus cyaneus
      Very common across the Peninsula wherever there is low scrub.

      White-browed Scrubwren
      Sericornis frontalis
      Common in coastal scrub along back of Bass Strait sand dunes at Pt Lonsdale and Ocean Grove and in coastal scrub around Swan Bay.

      Striated Fieldwren
      Calamanthus fuliginosus
      Uncommon but can be found in saltmarsh on Barwon River estuary at Barwon Heads and Swan Bay Jetty.

      Striated Fieldwren, Barwon Heads

      Yellow-rumped Thornbill
      Acanthiza chrysorrhoa
      Common in coastal woodland and scrub.

      Brown Thornbill
      Acanthiza pusilla
      Common in coastal woodland and scrub.

      Brown Thornbill, Ocean Grove

      Spotted Pardalote
      Pardalotus punctatus
      Uncommon. Seen occasionally at Ocean Grove Wildlife Reserve.

      Eastern Spinebill
      Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris
      Uncommon winter migrant seen occasionally in residential gardens in Ocean Grove.

      Singing Honeyeater
      Lichenostomus virescens
      Common in coastal scrub along Bass Strait from Pt Lonsdale to Breamlea. Best places are Ocean Grove foreshore at the Lookout and adjacent to car parks east of surf club (designated as emergency locations 12W, 13W and 14W) and The Bluff at Barwon Heads (take the walk around the top of the bluff) and the Black Rocks end of 13th Beach.

      Singing Honeyeater, Black Rocks

      White-plumed Honeyeater
      Lichenostomus pencillatus
      Common in most wooded areas.

      White-plumed Honeyeater, Lake Lorne Reserve, Drysdale

      Noisy Miner
      Manorina melanocephala
      Common in parks and open wooded areas.

      Noisy Miner, Ocean Grove

      Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater
      Acanthagenys rufogularis
      Uncommon but can often be seen at Edwards Point Wildlife Reserve and in wooded roadside corridor along east end of Anderson Road and occasionally along sand dunes at Buckley Park Foreshore Reserve in Ocean Grove.

      Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater, Ocean Grove

      Little Wattlebird
      Anthochaera chrysoptera
      Uncommon. Seen at Ocean Grove Nature Reserve and Ti-tree scrub at SW end of Begola Wetlands Reserve in Ocean Grove.

      Red Wattlebird
      Anthochaera carunculata
      Very common in most wooded areas and gardens across the Peninsula.

      Red Wattlebird, Pt Lonsdale

      White-fronted Chat
      Epthianura albifrons
      Common around salt lakes and saltmarshes at Lonsdale Lakes and around Swan Bay and along the dunes at 13th Beach.

      White-fronted Chat (female), 13th Beach
      White-fronted Chat (male), 13th Beach

      New Holland Honeyeater
      Phylidonydris novaehollandiae
      Very common in most wooded areas and vegetated suburban gardens across the Peninsula.

      New Holland Honeyeater, Ocean Grove

      White-naped Honeyeater
      Melithreptus lunatus
      Uncommon. Occasionally seen at Ocean Grove Nature Reserve.

      Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike
      Coracina novaehollandiae
      Seasonally common in wooded areas adjacent to parks and farmland. Most frequently seen at south end of Queenscliff-Portarlington Road.

      Crested Shrike-tit
      Falcunculus frontatus
      Rare. Only seen once on the Bellarine Peninsula at Ocean Grove Nature Reserve.

      Grey Shrike-thrush
      Colluricincla harmonica
      Uncommon. Occasionally seen at Ocean Grove Nature Reserve and Edwards Point Wildlife Reserve.

      White-browed Woodswallow
      Artamus superciliosus
      Uncommon. Seen only for a few days in November 2009 along west end of Anderson Road and at Edwards Point Wildlife Reserve.

      Black-faced Woodswallow
      Artamus cinereus
      Uncommon. Seen once at Ocean Grove Nature Reserve.

      Grey Butcherbird
      Cracticus torquatus
      Common. Frequently seen (or more likely heard) in various wooded locations including residential gardens.

      Grey Butcherbird, Barwon Heads

      Australian Magpie
      Cracticus tibicen
      Very common across most habitats on the Peninsula.

      Pied Currawong
      Strepera graculina
      Uncommon winter visitor in wooded areas along St Leonards foreshore and Ocean Grove.

      Grey Currawong
      Stepera versicolor
      Uncommon. Seen twice in wooded areas on farmland on north shore of Lake Connewarre.

      Grey Fantail
      Rhipidura albiscapa
      Common in most wooded areas across the Peninsula.

      Willie Wagtail
      Rhipidura leucophrys
      Very common in most habitats across the Peninsula.

      Australian Raven
      Corvus coronoides
      Rare. Seen only once each at Portarlington and Ocean Grove.

      Forest Raven
      Corvus tasmanicus
      Rare. Out of usual range in the Otways but occasionally seen at Breamlea and Connewarre. Seen once in Ocean Grove.

      Little Raven
      Corvus mellori
      Common in many wooded areas, farmland and suburban roadsides and gardens across the Peninsula.

      Grallina cyanoleuca
      Very common across most habitats on the Peninsula.

      Magpie Lark, Lake Lorne Reserve, Drysdale

      Flame Robin
      Petroica phoenicea
      Common winter visitor often seen perched on fences on farmland across the Peninsula.

      Flame Robin, Ocean Grove Nature Reserve

      Eastern Yellow Robin
      Eopsaltria australis
      Uncommon. Seen occasionally in wooded roadside corridors on eastern end of the Peninsula and at Edwards Point Wildlife Reserve.

      Horsefield's Bushlark
      Mirafra javanica
      Uncommon. Occasionally seen in grasslands at Edwards Point Wildlife Reserve and surrounding farmland.

      Eurasian Skylark
      Alauda arvensis
      Uncommon. Occasionally seen in farmland at eastern end of the Peninsula.

      Golden-headed Cisticola
      Cisticola exilis
      Locally common around dams and saltmarshes with adjacent reeds and rushes. Most frequently seen at Edwards Point Wildlife Reserve.

      Australian Reed-Warbler
      Acrocephalus australis
      Uncommon but can be seen (and more often heard) around creeks and waterholes with riparian reeds and rushes.

      Zosterops lateralis
      Common in coastal scrub and woodland. Frequently seen along Ocean Grove Spit.

      Silvereye, Ocean Grove

      Welcome Swallow
      Hirundo neoxena
      Common around lakes and estuaries.

      Fairy Martin
      Petrochelidon ariel
      Uncommon. Seen occasionally at Lake Victoria in Pt Lonsdale.

      Tree Martin
      Petrochelidon nigricans
      Uncommon. See once in Ocean Grove.

      Common Blackbird
      Turdus merula
      Common in residential gardens and parks.

      Common Starling
      Sturnus vulgaris
      Very common across most habitats on the Peninsula.

      Common Myna
      Sturnus tristis
      Common in residential gardens and parks.

      Zebra Finch
      Taeniopygia guttata
      Uncommon. Seen occasionally on fences adjacent to farmland on Portarlington - Queenscliff Road.

      Red-browed Finch
      Neochmia ruficauda
      Uncommon. Seen occasionally in wooded roadside corridors on eastern end of the Peninsula.

      Diamond Firetail
      Stagonopleura guttata
      Rare. Seen once at Ocean Grove Nature Reserve.

      House Sparrow
      Passer domseticus
      Very common across most habitats on the Peninsula.

      Australian Pipit
      Anthus novaeseelandiae
      Locally common along coastal grasslands between 13th Beach and Breamlea.

      European Goldfinch
      Carduelis carduelis
      Locally common in areas of coastal scrub. Seen frequently at Pt Henry and along inside of sand dunes between Pt Lonsdale and Ocean Grove.

      Common Greenfinch
      Chloris chloris
      Locally common in areas of coastal scrub. Seen frequently at Pt Henry and along inside of sand dunes between Pt Lonsdale and Ocean Grove.

      Common Greenfinch, Alcoa Wetlands, Pt Henry