
Saturday 14 March 2015

Bird Photography Workshop in Newstead

I had the pleasure of attending a bird photography workshop organised by Geoff Park and presented by Chris Tzaros in Newstead this morning. I've been an admirer of both Geoff and Chris's work and a follower of Geoff's great blog, Natural Newstead, for several years. Geoff and I were also at university together more years ago than either of us will admit to so I was looking forward to catching up again.

Chris gave a fantastic presentation on the art and craft of bird photography, sharing his experience as a wildlife ecologist and photographer in a way that was easy to understand and valuable for an audience with a wide diversity of experience in photography and with birds. This was followed by a field trip into the local bush at Rise and Shine Bushland Reserve where Chris and Geoff demonstrated a range of the skills, techniques and approaches to bird photography that had been covered in the earlier session.

Rise and Shine Bushland Reserve, near Clydesdale Victoria
Pentax K-5, Pentax 16-50mm f/2.8 @ 21mm, ISO 400, f/11 1/250

Two bird highlights of the morning were this Spotted Pardalote, which reacted on cue to Chris's demonstration of using playback of bird calls to attract birds closer.

Spotted Pardalote, Rise and Shine Bushland Reserve, near Clydesdale Victoria
Pentax K-5, Pentax 16-50mm f/2.8 @ 21mm, ISO 400, f/11 1/250

We had a long discussion on the pros and cons of playback for bird photography with differing opinions but the emphasis was that any photography (or other activities in the field) should be done with minimum disturbance to the birds and their habitat.

This Australian Owlet-nightjar was spotted by Geoff high up in a tree. It pays to go into the bush with locals who know what to expect and often where to find it. It poked its head out of the hole long enough for most people to practice some of the techniques Chris spoke about earlier in the day. I took a few quick shots to make sure I at least recorded the bird. As this is the first time I have managed to photograph this species, it was worth the time and money for the workshop just for that! I then spent quite a bit of time working out the best angle from which to shoot this little bird, to avoid distracting highlights from sky and over-exposed leaves and branches in the background while still maintaining eye contact with the bird. This was about the best angle I could find.

Australian Owlet-nightjar, Rise and Shine Bushland Reserve, near Clydesdale Victoria
Pentax K-3, Sigma 300mm f/2.8 (x2 adaptor), ISO 400, f/5.6 1/400)

Even though I knew I could crop some of the rubbish out later (which I did), I was still not particularly happy with the light background and the very dark hole surrounding the bird so I tried fill flash. This allowed me to close down the aperture to darken the background while still maintaining good exposure on the bird and tree and brightening up the hole around the bird. The smaller aperture also gives a better depth of field allowing more of the bird and the hole to be in focus. The slower shutter speed (controlled by the flash) is compensated for by the high speed flash that freezes any movement.

Australian Owlet-nightjar, Rise and Shine Bushland Reserve, near Clydesdale Victoria
Pentax K-3, Sigma 300mm f/2.8 (x2 adaptor), ISO 400, f/8 1/180 (P-TTL flash -1.0 EV)

To my eye the flash is just a little over the top and I would have liked to drop the EV adjustment on the flash another 1/3-2/3 of a stop just to see the result but the bird disappeared back into its hole before I had the, as with much of wildlife photography, you do what you can to get the best shot possible and take what nature deals up after that :-)

One thing I try to do whenever I am driving around the countryside is to take minor roads wherever I can. As I was driving home late this afternoon, I took the 'scenic route' through Wombat State Forest and came across a flock of Australian Wood Duck in a field on Bradys Lane near Greendale.

Australian Wood Duck, Bradys Lane, near Greendale Victoria
Pentax K-3, Sigma 300mm f/2.8 (x2 adaptor), ISO 400, f/16 1/125

A farmer driving by stopped for a chat about the ducks and ibis (there were about 50 Straw-necked Ibis further off in the distance) and then, driving over the next crest, this gorgeous valley was laid out in front of'd never stop for a chat with the locals or to take in a view when you're doing 100 km/h along the main road.

Brady's Lane, near Greendale Victoria
Pentax K-5, Pentax 16-50 f/2.8 @ 45mm, ISO 400, f/11 1/100

...and to reinforce this, I took a slight detour around the back of the You Yangs instead of straight down to Geelong and the sun just peaked around the approaching storm clouds behind me creating this eerie purple-green light just as I was approaching this paddock.

Little River Road, Balliang Victoria
Pentax K-5, Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 @ 70mm, ISO 400, f/5.6 1/400

Monday 2 March 2015

Nelson Bay

Our time in Newcastle was coming to a close all too quickly. We had to fly back to Melbourne this afternoon but took a morning drive to Nelson Bay for an early lunch and a wander along the beach before heading to the airport.

I spotted a small flock of Crested Terns resting on the beach and noticed three birds of different ages (with the adult not quite in breeding plumage).

Crested Tern (juvenile), Nelson Bay NSW
Pentax K-3, Sigma 300mm f/2.8 (x2 adaptor), ISO 800, f/11, 1/500
Crested Tern (immature), Nelson Bay NSW
Pentax K-3, Sigma 300mm f/2.8 (x2 adaptor), ISO 800, f/11, 1/500
Crested Tern (adult), Nelson Bay NSW
Pentax K-3, Sigma 300mm f/2.8 (x2 adaptor), ISO 800, f/11, 1/500

Meanwhile, Jo had wandered off down the beach and found some Australian Pelicans preening and resting by the shoreline so I joined in for a few shots.

Australian Pelican, Nelson Bay NSW
Pentax K-3, Sigma 300mm f/2.8 (x2 adaptor), ISO 400, f/16, 1/400
Australian Pelican, Nelson Bay NSW
Pentax K-3, Sigma 300mm f/2.8 (x2 adaptor), ISO 800, f/11, 1/800

Australian Pelicans have now taken over (from Red-necked Stints...on the other end of the size spectrum...) as my most photographed species, at least on this blog. It's hard to resist these magnificent birds...and they are usually so cooperative.

Sunday 1 March 2015

Stockton Spit

After more great middle of the day sessions of workshops, we set off late this afternoon for the wetland and mangrove estuary along Stockton Spit - in particular the area immediately under the road bridge across the North Arm of the Hunter River.

Similar to Wednesday evening at Stockton Breakwater, there were thunder storms approaching from the south so we did not have much time out on the mudflats and wetlands but did manage to see a lot of wading birds that were cycling closer to the shore as the tide rose, covering the mudflats on which they had been feeding and roosting during low tide. Most conspicuous among the smaller birds (mostly Curlew Sandpipers) were the larger Bar-tailed Godwits (some of which were approaching breeding plumage with much redder head, neck and breast colouration) and Eastern Curlew.

Eastern Curlew, Bar-tailed Godwit, Curlew Sandpiper, Stockton Spit NSW
Pentax K-3, Sigma 300mm f/2.8 (x2 adaptor), ISO 800, f/13 1/250
Eastern Curlew + waders, Stockton Spit NSW
Pentax K-3, Sigma 300mm f/2.8 (x2 adaptor), ISO 800, f/22 1/160
Eastern Curlew + Bar-tailed Godwit, Stockton Spit NSW
Pentax K-3, Sigma 300mm f/2.8 (x2 adaptor), ISO 800, f/8 1/1000

With a group of 12 of us it was difficult to get close to the birds without spooking them so I opted to have a crack at stalking a small flock of raggedy-looking Caspian Terns that had settled along the muddy bank of a pool behind the main beach area.

Stalking Caspian Terns
Photograph courtesy of Joanne Smissen

As I got close enough for something half reasonable (after crawling through the sand, grass, saltmarsh and mud for about 25 metres) an approaching storm blocked out the sun so I bumped the ISO to 1600 but even with aperture wide-open (f/5.6 on my 300mm with 2x adaptor) the shutter speed (1/250-1/500) was only just fast enough to freeze the birds as they were constantly shuffling about (trying to get some shelter I expect).

Caspian Tern, Stockton Spit NSW
Pentax K-3, Sigma 300mm f/2.8 (x2 adaptor), ISO 1600, f/5.6 1/500

I got a little closer and managed another shot of a different arrangement of the same birds as it was getting even darker.

Caspian Tern, Stockton Spit NSW
Pentax K-3, Sigma 300mm f/2.8 (x2 adaptor), ISO 1600, f/5.6 1/250

Before I got close enough for some portraits of individual birds, the bank of low, dark storm clouds came across making it very dark. Fortunately I had the flash and Better Beamer mounted in anticipation of bad light so rather than bump the ISO even higher, I turned on the flash and made a somewhat feeble attempt at getting a few shots in light rain

Caspian Tern, Stockton Spit NSW
Pentax K-3, Sigma 300mm f/2.8 (x2 adaptor), ISO 1600, f/9 1/180 (Manual Flash 1/8 power)

before retreating for the car, safely parked under the bridge. The rain was going to be less of a problem (I always carry a poncho or garbage bag with me) than the lightning - it's not terribly sensible to be standing or sitting out in the open holding onto a three-legged lightning rod...

Hexham Swamp

A glorious Sunday morning was made even more so with a trip to the recently re-opened Hexham Swamp, a section of the Hunter Wetlands National Park that had been closed for some time until a few months ago. It was a bit of a maze getting into the place (just as well we were guided by a local) but well worth it when we got there.

Hexham Swamp, Newcastle NSW
Pentax K-5, Sigma 10-20mm f/4.5-5.6 @15mm, ISO 400, f/16 1/320 
Hexham Swamp, Newcastle NSW
Pentax K-5, Sigma 10-20mm f/4.5-5.6 @16mm, ISO 400, f/16 1/320

The most obvious birds on the lake were Australian PelicansBlack Swans and Australian White Ibis

Australian Pelican, Hexham Swamp, Newcastle NSW
Pentax K-3, Sigma 300mm f/2.8, ISO 400, f/16 1/800
Black Swan, Hexham Swamp, Newcastle NSW
Pentax K-3, Sigma 300mm f/2.8, ISO 400, f/16 1/640
Australian White Ibis, Hexham Swamp, Newcastle NSW
Pentax K-3, Sigma 300mm f/2.8, ISO 400, f/16 1/800
Black Swan, Hexham Swamp, Newcastle NSW
Pentax K-3, Sigma 300mm f/2.8, ISO 400, f/16 1/1250

but the most spectacular site was the flock of Sharp-tailed Sandpipers that took off, flew around and landed several times while we were there.

Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, Hexham Swamp, Newcastle NSW
Pentax K-3, Sigma 300mm f/2.8, ISO 400, f/16 1/1000
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, Hexham Swamp, Newcastle NSW
Pentax K-3, Sigma 300mm f/2.8, ISO 400, f/16 1/1250
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, Hexham Swamp, Newcastle NSW
Pentax K-3, Sigma 300mm f/2.8, ISO 400, f/5.6 1/4000