
Tuesday 28 June 2011

Godwits still at Ocean Grove!

It's been a while since I looked for them but there were still 10 Bar-tailed Godwits on the Barwon River mudflats in Ocean Grove at low tide this afternoon, two in breeding plumage.

Bar-tailed Godwit, Barwon River estuary, Ocean Grove

Monday 27 June 2011

WTP at sunset

On the way home from meetings in Melbourne took the detour to the Western Treatment Plant and got to the Borrow Pits just before sunset

Whistling Kite, Western Treatment Plant

Dusky Moorhen (immature), Western Treatment Plant

Purple Swamphen, Western Treatment Plant

Black-winged Stilt, Western Treatment Plant

Australian Pelican, Western Treatment Plant

Australian Pelican, Western Treatment Plant

Sunset, Western Treatment Plant

Saturday 25 June 2011

Dryandra Woodlands

Had a quick trip to Perth this week for work and the cheapest flight home was the Sunday morning "red-eye", which gave me the opportunity to visit the Dryandra Woodlands for the first time. Dryandra is approx. 170km SE of Perth (see map). Driving down Highway 30, I got to Jarrahdale State Forest and Midgegoroo National Park just after sunrise and found a flock of Red-tailed Black-Cockatoos high in the trees. Still low light and they were moving around a lot but managed a few shots of this pair

Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo, Midgegoroo National Park

The road also passes through farmland and the roadside vegetation was full of early morning avian activity with this Brown Falcon a highlight.

Brown Falcon, Wandering-Pingelly Road, WA

It was still early morning when I reached the Dryandra Woodlands

Dryandra Woodlands, WA

Highlights included:

Twenty-eight Parrot, Dryandra Woodlands, WA
Weebill, Dryandra Woodlands, WA

and one for the life-time list:

Rufous Treecreeper, Dryandra Woodlands, WA

On the drive back to Perth I headed out to the coast to visit Point Peron. There was an approaching storm so didn't stay long but there were lots of cormorants, pelicans and gulls flying past the lookout.

Pied Cormorant, Point Peron, WA

Sunday 19 June 2011

Albatross (take 2)

Following yesterday's sighting of so many albatross, I tried again this afternoon to see if they were closer in shore. Very little activity at the lighthouse but several Black-browed Albatross and Shy Albatross could be seen from Ripview Lookout in Queenscliff (see map). Still a few hundred metres offshore but a great sight.

Black-browed Albatross, Queenscliff

Black-browed Albatross, Queenscliff

Black-browed Albatross, Queenscliff

Black-browed Albatross, Queenscliff

Black-browed Albatross, Queenscliff

Shy Albatross, Queenscliff

Shy Albatross, Queenscliff

Shy Albatross, Queenscliff

Saturday 18 June 2011

Albatross at Pt Lonsdale

I had the pleasure of being invited to participate in a MELBOCA Photography Group outing today. Primary targets were albatross at Pt Lonsdale lighthouse. Strong S-SW winds overnight did their job and there were lots of Black-browed Albatross and Shy Albatross to see. Unfortunately, they were a long way off shore and the grey skies and intermittent rain meant that there were not many good photographic opportunities but with binoculars and a scope many of the group did get to see their first albatross.

Shy Albatross, Pt Lonsdale

Closer and more photogenic was this Nankeen Kestrel that can frequently be seen on the lighthouse.

Nankeen Kestrel, Pt Lonsdale Lighthouse

We retreated from the rain to Ocean Grove Nature Reserve (see map) for a quick lunch and a walk around the north western part of the reserve. 30 species sighted/heard but not great for photography - mostly small bush birds at a distance - but an enjoyable walk and great to see such diversity in a small area of bushland. A highlight for many were the several pairs of Flame Robins on the adjacent farmland (a fair distance away and shooting though cyclone wire fence in dull light was a challenge but it was good to see these little birds back)

Flame Robin (male), Ocean Grove Nature Reserve

Ironically, for a bird photography trip, the best photo opportunity for the day was presented by this Black Wallaby

Black Wallaby, Ocean Grove Nature Reserve

Friday 3 June 2011

Eastern Great Egret at Breamlea

Breamlea Flora and Fauna Reserve currently has lots of water and attracts a variety of birdlife. Spotted this Eastern Great Egret today

Eastern Great Egret, Breamlea Flora and Fauna Reserve

Thursday 2 June 2011

13th Beach and Lake Connewarre

A quick walk along 13th Beach at Black Rocks end late this afternoon. A few plovers: 4 Red-capped Plover, 6 Double-banded Plover and 1 Hooded Plover but only one co-operated with my stalking

Double-banded Plover,  Black Rocks, 13th Beach

Driving home past Lake Connewarre (just east of the Barwon Heads Airport) as the sun was setting. Lots of swans and ducks on the lake feeding.

Black Swans, Lake Connewarre

Lake Lorne Kites' Conjugal Bliss

Lake Lorne Reserve in Drysdale (see map) is buzzing with avian activity at the moment. I've been watching a pair of Whistling Kites building a nest for a while now (see previous post) but today they took things a little further...

Whistling Kite, Lake Lorne Reserve, Drysdale

While there I also managed to get a half reasonable shot of a White-plumed Honeyeater - common enough around here but very difficult to photograph as they are constantly moving and when feeding usually hidden among foliage.

White-plumed Honeyeater, Lake Lorne Reserve, Drysdale

...oh, and there are waterbirds there too :-)

Eurasian Coot, Lake Lorne Reserve, Drysdale